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The Research Literacy Development Framework for Language Teachers

Outdoor Study Group

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What is the ReaLiTea framework?

Working with leading experts in classroom research and teacher research engagement,  we are producing a professiona development framework to help language teachers reflect on their research literacy by identifying their strengths and priorities for professional skills and growth.


The framework presents a collection of competences that research literate teachers are like to have. These are organised in five groups, which correspond to different facets of teacher research literacy. Descriptors are provided for three levels of competence, from non-autonomous to fully autonomous research literacy. Teachers can use these descriptors in order to identify their current strengths and plan their professional development.

The thinking behind the framework

At the core of the framework is the belief that effective language teaching has the following five characterisitcs:

  • It is grounded on the core knowledge and values of the profession. This means that it builds existing knowledge about language and teaching, and connects meaningfully to issues of social justice through broadening participation.

  • It is theoretically and empirically informed. This means that it seeks to constantly update its knowledge and challenge received knowledge by engaging with ongoing academic and professional conversations about language and learning.

  • It is theoretically and practically generative. This means that it endeavours to transform new knowledge into locally relevant understandings and teaching practice.

  • It is inquisitive. This means that it seeks to add to existing knowledge by learning more about the particularities of the setting where language teaching and learning take place.

  • It is shared. This means that it shares its insights with peers, younger colleagues and the public. It subscribes to the belief that shared knowledge construction and dissemination contribute to better practice and understanding.​​

Overview of the ReaLiTea framework

Our definition of language teacher research literacy reflects this conceptualisation. We suggest that it consists of five interconnected facets:

  • Foundational knowledge, including language proficiency, background (schematic knowledge), sociocultural knowledge, knowledge practices, and knowledge autonomy;

  • The ability to use existing knowledge by locating appropriate sources, extracting and critically evaluating information, and synthesizing it in meaningful ways;

  • The ability to theorise for practice, that is, develop a theoretical position that is sensitive to context and reflexively aware, and being able to derive theoretically informed practice from all the available sources of knowledge;

  • The ability to produce knowledge through effective research design, and the application of appropriate empirical methods for the generation and analysis of information, while maintaining ethical standards;

  • The ability to communicate knowledge effectively and appropriately to a variety of audiences, including peers, younger colleagues and the general public.


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